Why take shares?
Since mid-March, we know that the Cinema Nova has been successfully saved, and that Supernova Coop will be able to pay the sum of 680,000 € to Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert for the acquisition of the emphyteusis and to pay all related costs. But your help is still needed to put Nova into stable orbit. In preparing the fundraising, we deliberately focused on financing the purchase of the cinema, ancillary costs and the installation of a new heating boiler. But Supernova Coop already has another major project in the pipeline: renovating the cinema’s roof and installing new thermal and acoustic insulation. As part of Supernova Coop’s public offering, it is still possible to subscribe for B and C shares until June 8, up to a maximum of €794,000 (not including the €306,150 subscribed for A and D shares). Each share subscribed will now be used to secure funding for this next project, to prepare the Nova for a long cruise.
Who can take shares?
Everyone! People coming to the cinema regularly or occasionally, friends of the cinema’s friends, non-profit organisations, private companies, public institutions… The only condition is to share the values held by Supernova Coop, which is why subscription implies acceptance of the cooperative statutes and its purpose.
Why buy multiple shares?
More shares do not mean more weight in the cooperative’s decisions, since we have chosen the “one cooperator, one vote” model. The only reason to take more shares is to further support our initiative. You can take and re-take shares several days or weeks later.
Is there a minimum and maximum purchase amount?
Depending on your means, there are two types of shares. Supporter shares have a nominal value of €50. Investor shares have a nominal value of €1,000. You can take as many as you want! You can take and take them again at intervals of several days or weeks. Make us dream about the maximum amounts…
What are the possible payment methods?
The purchase of shares is done via the form on this website. It is possible to pay by debit or credit cards, PayPal and bank transfer. Please note: commission fees are charged to us on each payment by Paypal, debit or credit card. Do not hesitate to use bank transfer to purchase your shares, especially for amounts above €250.
Can an association or company buy shares?
Yes. Two different forms are available on this website, one for individuals and another for legal entities.
Why are there several types of shares?
The statutes of the cooperative provide for four types of shares:
- Class A shares worth €50 are held by the founders of the cooperative, who can be joined by other cooperators subject to the approval of the College of A-share holders.
- Class B shares worth €50 for supporters of the project.
- Class C shares worth €1,000 for investors.
- Class D shares worth €10,000 for guarantor investors.
The diversity of shares aims to allow everyone to become a cooperator according to their means, while targeting potential investors and guaranteeing the unique identity of the project through the presence of guarantor cooperators. The public call therefore only concerns B and C shares.
In terms of rights and voting power, there is no difference between B and C shares. The only difference is that the C share gives greater support to the cooperative and enables it to achieve its objective more quickly.
What happens after purchasing shares?
Once you have completed the form and made the transfer, you will receive an email confirming your payment. Within a few days, once your subscription has been approved by Supernova Coop’s Board of Directors, you will receive your certificate of membership.
Whether you buy B or C shares, your cooperator status must be approved by the Board of Directors of Supernova Coop. A priori, this is a pure formality.
Your name will be entered in the Supernova Coop share register with the number of shares you have acquired and the amount paid. You have the right to consult this register at the cooperative’s headquarters.
If you wish, you will be kept informed of the progress of the campaign.
You will only have the right to resign and get your share back at the end of the first year.
You will be invited at least once a year to the General Meeting (or Assemblée Générale) of Supernova Coop, in principle during the month of June. The specificity of the cooperative is that all cooperators have an equal vote in all matters at the general meetings, regardless of the number of shares they have, under whatever class of shares. It is the GM which makes changes to the statutes or completes them, which appoints the directors, revokes them and which approves the annual accounts… The GM of Supernova Coop is quite distinct from the GM of Cinema Nova. Becoming a cooperator of Supernova Coop does not give access to the GM of the non-profit Nova. On the other hand, there are members of the GM of the non-profit Nova who are also members of the GM of Supernova Coop.
Finally, Supernova Coop plans to occasionally organise meeting times between cooperators, possibly around a film…
Why is the purchase of shares subject to approval by the Supernova Board of Directors?
Since people subscribing to shares must adhere to the values held by Supernova Coop and by Cinema Nova, we reserve the right to refuse hypothetical subscriptions from cooperators who are at odds with these values. But a priori, it is a simple formality. The Board of Directors of Supernova Coop includes at least two guarantor cooperators (Class A shares), including at least one director representing the non-profit Nova, which makes it possible to establish a link with Cinema Nova and to ensure compliance of its fundamentals.
Can I give or resell my shares to another natural or legal person?
You may indeed transfer your shares, but the conditions of transfer are different depending on the type of share you hold. The shares are freely transferable to cooperators of the same categories, subject to information and prior agreement of the Board of Directors. The shares are freely transferable to third parties (non-cooperators), after admission by the Board of Directors in accordance with the procedure for admitting new cooperators. Any request must be sent to the Board of Directors (email: contact@supernova.coop). Class B and C shares can be transferred to associates of classes A, B, C. If they are transferred to third parties, the agreement of the Board of Directors will be required.
Can I buy shares for my children?
Each member of a family can become a cooperator. Shares are nominal. However, under-age members must obtain parental consent.
On our site, it is therefore the legal representative of the minor who is required to subscribe for the shares on behalf of the child. On our share application form, you must first tick the option allowing you to subscribe shares for someone else, and then the option for shares subscribed for a minor.
You will have to enter the details of the minor, as well as those of his or her legal representative (usually the mother or father).
Until the child reaches the age of majority, it is the legal representative who will be able to represent him or her and exercise his or her rights (purchase, resale of shares, voting rights at General Meetings, etc.). It is therefore the legal representative who will be invited to General Meetings.
It should be noted that in the event of resignation (request for reimbursement of shares) before the member has reached the age of majority, it will be necessary to comply with the provisions relating to property protection for minors, which require those legally responsible to obtain authorization from the Justice of the Peace.
What am I entitled to as a cooperator? Are there any rewards?
The main compensation is to perpetuate Cinema Nova, its independence and its freedom of programming! Taking shares in a cooperative is not comparable to crowdfunding. It allows you to participate in the General Meetings of Supernova Coop and in any other activity that we organise to allow cooperators to meet.
Is the identity of the cooperators made public?
The surnames, first names and addresses of natural persons and the name, headquarters and registration number of legal entities are included in a register which can only be consulted at the cooperative’s headquarters to all cooperators who request it. The register also includes, for each cooperator, the date of their admission, resignation or exclusion as well as the number of shares held by each. This data is not published or transmitted in electronic format.
In addition to taking shares, how can we support the Nova and Supernova Coop?
There are many ways to support us.
During the intense period of the campaign, you can talk about the project around you, distribute and relay publications of Supernova Coop, encourage people to come to the public information sessions that will be organized, or even organise a “Tupperware-like meeting” where you bring together a group of acquaintances and to which we can come and explain the project, in order to expand, step by step, the circle of those convinced…
You may offer to organise this kind of meeting, i.e. invite your network to a location that you define to talk about the Supernova campaign.
And above all, simply come and see the cinema’s programming! Talk to your friends, acquaintances, offer them a cinema subscription, pay the support price when you come to see a screening.
Cinema Nova has operated since its origins on an essentially voluntary basis. Throughout the year, helping hands are welcome to run the bar, the cash register, help tidy up the cinema, run the Microboutiek, install the PleinOPENair during the summer… The most motivated and committed will be able to join the core of the team and participate in the operation and/or programming of the cinema.
You can also make a donation to us at any time, either to the non-profit Nova ASBL or to Supernova Coop.